I tend to use [Atom](https:/
In my laptop's previous life, it had a runaway memory issue with #gedit that made it impossible to use, but since upgrading to #Ubuntu 18.04, I haven't had any troubles with it, so it's been my default text editor once again.
Unfortunately, one issue I've continued to run into is that, no matter how many times I adjust the editor settings in the GUI (for tab size, auto-indent, and [use-spaces-for-tabs-goddammit](https:/
So, this time, rather than making the same futile changes in the application, I decided to use (what I think are) the commands to permanently change those settings.
If you're having the same problems, type this in your shell of choice (ENTER after each one):
gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor tabs-size 2
gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor auto-indent true
gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor insert-spaces true
I've rebooted the machine since I put these commands in, and so far, so good. Of course, this may change by the next LTS release, but these settings should keep my happy for the next couple of years, at least (and I'm posting it here primarily as a #NoteToMyFutureSelf).